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Being dedicated is a power. It requires companies to concentrate their energy, deepen their business, and not be swayed by external disturbances. For employees, it means dedicating oneself wholeheartedly to work, being careful in every detail, and striving for perfection in every task. In a dedicated atmosphere, the enterprise and employees jointly cultivate a professional quality of striving for excellence.


Pragmatism is an attitude. Jiuling Lithium has always adhered to its essence, focused on practical results, and established a stable and reliable corporate image in the pursuit of development. For Jiuling employees, pragmatism means adhering to a down-to-earth work attitude, taking their work seriously and responsibly, relentlessly pursuing results, and proving their value through practical actions and achievements.


Innovation is a driving force. Enterprises constantly explore innovative paths, break through traditional constraints, explore unknown fields, and are committed to promoting the full and efficient utilization of resources through technological innovation. As the main body of innovation, employees should have the courage to challenge the current situation, dare to implement new ideas, continuously improve work efficiency, and pursue higher quality work results.


Cooperation is a spirit. Since its establishment, Jiuling Lithium has been working hand in hand with stakeholders, respecting the interests of all parties, and promoting win-win cooperation. Ours company encourages employees from different departments and teams to share information and integrate resources, work together on the basis of mutual respect and trust, overcome difficulties together, and utilize their respective strengths to form a joint force.